Case Studies


We have worked on projects on all shapes and sizes in the veterinary and animal welfare worlds. Have a look at some of our case studies below. The tags above will help you find builds that are most similar to your project, e.g. if you’re looking specifically for cattery design, kennel builds, veterinary design, or equine architecture.

Conversion to new veterinary facility in Mumbai, India 2016

Crown Vets – Mumbai

Crown Vet’s vision was to provide a high quality veterinary care experience for India’s companion pet market. We were delighted to be approached to help them realise their dream in creating the best quality medical care for pets.   Our role within the project was to work with the client and provide specialist veterinary architectural services and

Fitzpatrick Referrals Oncology and Soft Tissue Centre, Guildford 2013

Fitzpatrick Referrals – Guildford

We were delighted to be approached by Professors Noel Fitzpatrick and Stuart Carmichael to help them realise their dream in creating this landmark building for veterinary medicine, now known as the FROST (Fitzpatrick Referrals Oncology and Soft Tissue) Centre in Guildford. The deal was achieved with the University of Surrey providing a bespoke building on

Linear Accelerator Bunker, Kentford 2011

Animal Health Trust – Linear Accelerator Bunker

We completed the construction of a massive concrete bunker which houses the linear accelerator and high dose radiation equipment, for the Animal Health Trust (AHT) at their Kentford site. The centre was designed in close coordination with not only the client but also advisors from the Radiation Protection Agency and others who have been more than helpful to ensure this centre has everything it needs for state-of-the-art

Blue Cross Renovations, Southampton 2011

Blue Cross – Southampton

We were delighted to be invited back again some ten years after our second phase of work at the Blue Cross Southampton. The main works entailed converting old kennels into a state of the art veterinary facility and holding areas, with new UPVC kennelling for dogs and cats. An isolation wing was also refurbished, and extensions were

Hydrotherapy Unit, Kentford 2011

Animal Health Trust – Hydrotherapy Unit

The Animal Health Trust (AHT) upgraded its Hydrotherapy Suite to a state-of-the-art centre with not only heating, cooling and ventilation but high environmental standards. The building was aesthetically designed in timber cladding to match other surrounding buildings and fit neatly at the rear of the centre. The centre is a full wash down facility and has a large pool with filtration system. The AHT

Redevelopment of rehoming centre, Ilfracombe 2010

Dogs Trust – Ilfracombe

We were appointed by Dogs Trust to redevelop their existing rehoming centre at West Down, Ilfracombe, in Devon.  All of the kennel blocks were in a poor state of repair and in need of either replacement or refurbishment.  Additional external runs were also needed to improve well-being for the dogs by giving them greater access

New Veterinary Centre, Kennett 2010

Ash Tree Veterinary Centre

As two experienced vets, our clients knew what they wanted this modern practice to offer; a personal and traditional feel whilst supplying the very best of care within a modern purpose-built environment.   The proposed site was on a brand-new development and included an open space/plan building with no previous role. Due to the nature of this double height building,

Multiple Conversions to Veterinary Practices 2010


Our client contacted us with an interest in starting up a chain of veterinary facilities. The concept idea was to obtain empty premises and convert them into veterinary practices in a short period of time and to be up and running as soon as possible. Once we had decided upon a format for the layout

New Equine Hospital and Office Facility, Liphook 2009

Liphook Equine Hospital

What is now known as the Liphook Equine Hospital started life as a purely equine practice in the 1970s and grew steadily both as a specialist equine practice and as an equine hospital until, in 2009, the partners decided to embark on a large capital rebuilding programme.  By this stage the practice had evolved into

New Referral Hospital, Glasgow 2009

Vets Now – Glasgow

This project required us to transform an old Majestic Wine warehouse in Glasgow into a modern referral hospital and emergency clinic.  During this short track four-month program we were requested to design a client friendly referral hospital which incorporated modern design with operational ideas. A mezzanine provided the increased floor area required for an office

Redevelopment of Animal Shelter, St. Helier 2008

JSPCA – Animal Shelter

This was one of the most difficult projects we’ve ever handled – being on the very tight site at the JSPCA centre in St Helier, Jersey. Those who know the site are aware of its restrictions, including limited access and being built on a hill, immediately adjacent to a children’s nursery. The confines of the

John MacDougall Visitors Centre 2007

Animal Health Trust – Visitors Centre

A refurbishment for a repeat world-renowned client to convert an under-used stable block into a state of the art fit-out of a listed building, providing a 60-seater lecture theatre with computerised lighting, acoustics and electric blinds as part of the successful visitor centre facility.